"Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive."


The woods are lovely, dark and



 I have promises to keep, and miles to 

before I sleep, and miles to go before I

Robert Frost 

"Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
You can think that you’re in love
When you're really just in pain

Some mistakes get made
That's alright, that's okay
In the end it's better for me
That's the moral of the story, babe"


Filipaa' disse…
nem sabes o quanto eu te percebo !
gosto ! :)
Li disse…
Obrigada por todos os comentários , não podia concordar mais .
adorei o blog, continua assim (:
Filipa Figueira disse…
obrigada pelos comentários.
Adorei este post :)

Mensagens populares deste blogue

"We mature with the damage, not with the years."

Comparison is the thief of joy.