Love goes on without you

"Tinha o vento contra a cara e as nuvens e as ondas do mar por conta própria. Sofria muito de amores e não havia amor que durasse que não magoasse. Jurava-me que um dia viria a não ser eu, sem saber o que dizia, sem antecipar a ilusão. Para me vingar de quem não gostava de mim, em primeiro lugar da minha mãe. E agora a dor de ser já quem se não queria, ultrapassada a irremediável a distância que vai do desejo ao seu fim, sem nada mais poder adivinhar. Saudades de mim. De quem nunca fui. "
Pedro Paixão, in" Quase gosto da vida que tenho"

"You who has seen
Past all concerns
I asked for you
But you were past
Past all
All concerns
Past all
All concerns"


A saudade é corrosiva e dói que nem feridas de punhal.
Desejando um dia feliz
Daniel Silva disse…
Este é um local de culto
que um criador inculto,
tornou mais estulto.
Local onde indulto
um qualquer insulto
que tenha ficado insepulto.
Por isso faculto
que criança ou adulto,
não em tumulto
escreva! … Eu exulto!
E mesmo que seja um vulto
com áurea, não dificulto
um qualquer indulto
a um jurisconsulto.
Até faculto
a qualquer inulto
um local oculto.

e sempre por isto portugal não tem trabalhos!
sempre pobreza!
sempre uma economia vaporizada!
sempre tudos comer na sopas dos pobres!
um lugar inculto = portugal!!!
Ajuda porque nosso goberno
Fascista e Colonial do
Antonio Costa não sabe nada!
Abaixo Portugal Colonial sempre!!
Nada disse…
A vida tem tanto para dar...há tanto lá fora, que o importante é seguir em frente. Se não sabemos quem somos, é altura para descobrirmos =)
Tomy2020 disse…
Friv 3 are a genre of free realtime multiplayer online games that you can play in your browser without needing to install anything or create an account. The first io game was IO is a domain extension which stands for "Indian Ocean" but it is a favored domain extension by game developers because it also stands for "in / out."

The io game genre all began with the release of an insanely addicting game called (which was probably inspired by another game called “Osmos”). Agario grew so fast that within months, it was already seeing several hundred thousand players worldwide. What made this io game so unique was it’s a very interesting style. Unlike most browser games of the past, it was designed to be played in a full-screen browser window and was entirely multiplayer. This set the framework for many of the other .io games that would hit the web in the months to come.

Most fun and successful new io games like,,,, and follow these general guidelines:

Have the player be able to hop right into a game with one click.
Keep it super simple to learn but difficult to master, like with the krunker io game.
Allow the player to “scale” their authority in-game compared to other players. (Ex. in you grow a lot bigger and scarier the more you eat and scale your size.)
And last but not least, they are either competitive or cooperative.
Slitherio is a good example. It's a very simple game, with easy-to-use controls. There's no experience required to begin playing, meaning people can get the hang of it very quickly. Despite this, the game is difficult to master. The simple, clean graphics are also worth mentioning as a relevant characteristic of the genre.

After I found the first few popular io games, I tried to find more. Sadly, without a list, they were really hard to find. I felt that they deserved more exposure, so I decided to create my own list. I put together all the titles I could find, and many helpful users shared new ones with me. From that point on, I was on a mission to push the io movement forward!

On this site, you will find that the games in the list have a common style and theme similar to those mentioned above. The goal of the list is to bring exposure to these awesome .io games that oftentimes go unnoticed. This is due to the fact that they are all standalone games which means that they are all hosted on separate sites. That’s what I'm here for! So, support the games and make sure you bookmark this site. FRIV I try to keep it updated with the best, new io games every day, so make sure to check back from time to time. Have fun! MOPE.IO
io Games | WORMATE IO

Free game | Hyves Games

Girls Go Game | bulletforcemultiplayer

juegos friv3 | free games online

Blizzard | Friv3 games | abcya 2

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"We mature with the damage, not with the years."

Comparison is the thief of joy.